
Digital Music Library
- * "Our use of the term "digital music library" implies
networked access to a digital music audio collection, with or without related visual images and text-based information, developed for and accessible to a defined user community from all desired end-user locations" (Maple & Henderson, 191).
  1. Audio Capturing Process (Encoding) - Also called digitization, this is the process whereby an analog source consiting of waveform with a given frequency, amplitude, and timber is converted into a digital electronic waveform or file. The file is expressed by two sets of binary values: sampling rate(see below) and bit-depth(see below).
  2. Bit-depth - When digitizing audio the "bit-depth refers to the size of the binary numbers assigned to describe the dynamic value of each sample.(Beggs & Thede, 43)" With higher bit-depth more subtle nuances especially for softer dynamics and long decays are enhanced. 16-bit is standard, but some audio professionals are pushing for 20 or 24-bit encording.
  3. Compression - A process in mastering a sound file that reduces spikes in sound that are much louder than adjacent sounds. If these peaks aren't reduced, you can't effectively normalize a file to get all the sound waves at optimal sound intensity. The peak limiter process or the amplify/gain process in SoundEdit 16 is used to compress sound files. 3dB to 9dB of compression is recommended in order to add clarity and brilliance to the sound (Beggs & Thede, 84).
  4. Compression Formats - Several such formats exist that reduce audio files in order to make online file sharing, streaming, and downloading more feasible. In the encoding process frequencies outside the range of human hearing and other "non-essential" parts of an audio file are eliminated. Also a file is optimized with codecs (compression-decompression encoding algorithms) and once recieved by the client reconstructed. Due to the Napster lawsuit, MP3 is perhaps the most well known compression format. Other popular formats include: Real Audio, Quick Time, Shockwave, LiquidAudio, Advanced Audio Coding, and Windows Media Audio. Standard uncompressed sound files are either AIFF or WAV files.
  5. Digital Audio - "The term applied to sound that has been digitized into binary code. Sound waves are converted to digital code by means of a circuit that assigns a value or binary set of numbers that correspond to the shape of the incoming electrical wave or current" (Beggs & Thede, 356).
  6. Downloading Audio - As opposed to streaming audio, downloading audio means that a user can have a permanent copy of a file stored on their computer's hardrive. Allowing files to be freely downloaded from peer to peer networks led to the highly publicized Napster Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) lawsuit. Profits for the recording industy have decreased since the introduction of MP3 technology, so the RIAA will likely not overlook library digitization projects that are infringing upon their copyrights.See copyright section.
  7. Equalization - A process used to increase or decrease the amplification (loudness) of a given range of frequencies. The result is an adjusted and better overall sound - a sound that accoustically matches other sound files and/or takes out frequencies that will be distorted or lost when a file is encoded (Beggs & Thede, 85).
  8. MP3 - Officially MPEG-1, Audio-Layer III, is a popularly used compressed digital file developed by the Motion Picture Experts Group. The file size of the original file is reduced by one-tenth. A newer format, MP3PRO which reduces size even further without losing quality has recently been released. This is a non-proprietary format with fewer obvious "commercial" connections.
  9. Mastering - "Mastering refers to the process of preparing a group of sound files (i.e., music tracks of a CD) for final delivery in one uniform manner, medium, and level of quality. This means that each sound file has little unwanted noise and shares the same relative decibel (volume) levels and equalization characteristics with the rest of the audio files"(Beggs & Thede, 79). In a digital library project this is more important when digitizing analog sources than in pre-mastered CDs, although other digital content - CDs of student recitals - may need some mastering before putting out on a website.
  10. Normalization - An audio mastering technique that raises the overall amplitude (loudness) level of a sound file so that it: 1) matches other sound files in a grouping, 2) "maximizes the bit-depth information available by giving a sound a louder overall presence," and 3) helps prevent distortion when going from a stereo file into a low-bandwidth mono-file (Beggs & Thede, 81). Normalizing to 95% or -3 below 0dB is recommended unless #3 is the case, in which you want to normalize to approximately 70% of the input signal level.
  11. Quality of Audio - The higher the sampling rate and bit-depth of the file, the better the quality though the larger the file size. File size and quality must be balanced, while also taking into consideration the capacity of both local and remote users, i.e. their bandwidth or connection speed. The less compressed the file, the higher the kbps, and the better the quality. Though each compression format varies, for MP3 the following compression rates apply - 128 kbps = CD quality, 96 kbps = near CD quality, and 64 kbps = FM radio quality.
  12. Sampling Rate - During the encoding process the sampling rate (measured in Herz (Hz) or cycles per second) determines how much of the sample is replicated in a given frame of time. The higher the sampling rate and bit-depth the larger and more "complex" the sound file. The sampling rate determines the rate in kbps (kilobites per second) in which sound bits are delivered from server to client. Engineers and conservators argue foor 192 MHz and 24bit sampling (Brylawski, 63); however, sampling at 44 MHz, 16bit (standard CD) is perhaps still an acceptable standard audio sampling rate, because it is the lowest rate that accurately reproduces the highest audible frequencies. Libraries sometimes over two sampling rates to accomodate users with different Internet bandwidth connections.
  13. Streaming Audio - The ability to deliver sound in digital bits or packets over a connection to a user, with additional bits remaining in a buffer until needed and being discarded after played. A server needs to be set to stream audio, yet this is a wonderful means of delivery, because an audio file can be delivered this way with little delay while making the illegal copying of files more difficult. The illusion of seamless play relates to the buffering of packets before playback and the simultaneous downloading of more as play continues. Though one can have pseudo-streaming with a regular HTTP setup, new Internet protocols like UDP & RTSP transmission are more reliable and can deliver more streams.

©May 2003 Jana Marion Borchardt - This is an MLS independent study project done for the School of Library and Information Management - Emporia State University Email any comments or critiques to the webmaster