Cultural/Individual Factors ICC/Communication Strategies Conclusion/Bibliography

  Conflict Management Styles

Face-Negotiation Theory has a basic formula explaining the influencing factors of one's Conflict Management Style.

Type of Culture + Type of Self Construal + Type of Face Management =

Each factor influences the next from left to right and those on the right are arguably most influential. In fact, research has shown that Cultural I/C, "accounted for a small portion of the variance in integrating and compromising conflict styles . . . self-construal appears to be a better predictor of conflict styles than ethnic/cultural background" (Oetzel, Effects, 141).

conflict style table
Adapted from Ting-Toomey & Oetzel, Managing Intercultural Conflict Effectively

Compromising & Integrating - Integrative Styles - are the ideal. These styles result in both: 1) successful task outcomes, getting the job done, and 2) successful relational outcomes, validating individuals and encouraging peak performance in the future. These styles also address mutual-face concerns.

"Interdependent self construals were found to be a [slightly] better predictor of integrating conflict styles than independent self-construals" (Oetzel, Effects, 139-140), although both construals were positively associated with integrative style, especially in those with a strong self-construal preference.

Effect of Self Construals on Various Aspects of Conflict Management
(Correlations according to various studies. See bibliography)
Self Construal Independent Interdependent
Goals in Conflict Resolution
(Ting-Toomey & Kurogi, 201-202)
  1. Tangible solutions reached
  2. Objective criteria met
  3. Action plans drawn
  4. Both parties claim win-win substantial goals
  5. Individual goals are addressed
  6. Self-face enhanced
  7. Substantive differences managed
  1. Intangible power resources addressed
  2. Relational solidarity reached
  3. Long-term mutual interest forged
  4. Both parties claim win-win facework with ingroup & outgroup members
  5. Conflict relationship soothed
  6. Mutual- & ingroup-face enhanced
  7. Differences managed tactfully
Type of Conflict Management
  • Dominating Conflict Style
  • Integrating Conflict Style
  • Avoiding Conflict Style
  • Obliging Conflict Style
  • Compromising Conflict Style
  • Integrating Conflict Style

Conflict Management Behavioral
(Oetzel, Face, 212)

Compromising & Integrative Styles
(Independent & Interdependent Self-Construals)
  • Disclosure
  • Problem Solving
  • Urging cooperation
  • Offering concessions

Dominating Tactics

Avoiding & Obliging Tactics

  • Threatening
  • Demanding
  • Requesting compliance
  • Persuading
  • Aggressive Emotion
  • Disregarding the issue
  • Avoiding the issue
  • Avoiding the person
  • Joking
  • Silence
  • Yielding
  • Submissive Emotion

*To test your conflict management style see M. A. Rahim's 38 item "Conflict Style Instrument" that is an appendix in Oetzel's Communication Reports article.